Monday, March 16, 2009

Frusty's Life

Click on the picture to enlarge.
Frusty's Life
Frusty's Gyan, Morale of the story:

Bossy will often try to act smart by asking Frusty feel good questions like How's life? Bossy knows very well that he has successfully screwed Frusty's life and career. The best thing is not to be a part of Bossy's game know let him know that you cannot be taken for a ride.

The story in words for those who cannot see the picture.

Bossy to Frusty: You have been working in our organization for three months. How's life?

Frusty to Bossy: What's life?


  1. Man, you are doing a great job! Nice cartoons !
    Keep up the good work...

  2. Thanks for your appreciation. Hope to receive more feedback on the other articles.


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