Thursday, February 26, 2009

Frusty (The Frustu) and Bossy (The Boss)

Frusty (The Frustu) and Bossy (The Boss)

Frusty's Gyan, Boss shares the secret of growing fast in an organization.

Click on the picture for an enlarged view.

The story in words for who cannot see the picture:

Frusty to Bossy: I am tired of not oing anything for the last one year. You promised me a great job and and excellent growth.

Bossy to Frusty: You are on an excellent growth path all the big shots in this organization have made their career by not doing anything.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fustoo Meter and Frustoo No 1

Some one said what cannot be measured does not exist. I have rarely come across anyone who would like to deny the existence of frustu-ness all-round. It is omnipresent like the same creator of this universe. So how do we measure Frustu-ness of the society? Today I propose to start a meter to measure the level of frustu-ness of a person and the community around me. Given my level of frustu-ness I propose myself to be the base unit of this measuring scale. So I am Frustoo No. 1 and base unit proposed is “FRUSTOO”. The measuring instrument which would measure the level of frustu-ness is “FRUSTOO METER”.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Boss shares the secret of rising to the Top

I have now wasted some good part of my valuable life (well no one thinks so that my life is valuable, that includes me) in gathering some of the coveted degrees. I feel I deserve a better deal in terms of job content, well if there was any job to do. Having been eternally tired of cribbing about the job I felt if time to take matters into hand. I went to my boss and engaged him into a discussion about how wretched I feel in my present job and sick of not doing anything at all. He was a through gentleman and gave me a patient hearing. Then slowly whispered after making sure no one was paying attention to our conversation, " Hey why crib about not doing anything. This is a great organization. People in this organization have made career by not doing anything. You are one of the very few chosen ones (well I didn't feel so as there were many like me floating around in the campus). You have been chosen to follow the path of great leaders in this organization who has risen to the top by observing things around.
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