Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Frusty and 360 degree apprisal

click on the picture to enlarge.
Frusty's law: In most of the organizations I see that the 360 degree apprisal system is a hoax. Only to benefit your bosses. Next time you take one such apprisal just look into the way the system is designed.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Killing Frusty's Idea - Part 2

Click on the picture to enlarge.
Frusty's Law: Even if you give in all the efforts and put in effort to prepare a document your boss will put in so many people in the approval list that your idea will surely die its natural death.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

How to kill Frusty's Requirement (or a new Idea)?

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How to kill Frusty's Requirement (or a new Idea)?
Frusty's Law: The moment someone comes to you with a new demand, idea or requirement and you want to avoid dealing with it; the best way to kill the idea is to ask the person to document it with various kinds of analysis. This will surely kill his enthusiasm.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Frusty at Job auction

Click on the picture to enlarge.
Frusty at Job auction
Frusty's Law: Survive in these difficult times follow the following principles:
> don’t take any pay,
> keep low,
> don't let anyone know that you exist in the organization.

The Story in words for those who cannot see the picture.

Bossy to his team, including Frusty: The person who takes the biggest salary cut gets to keep his job.

Everyone starts quoting the figures, Frusty says he is willing to take a 100% salary cut.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Frusty's Claim

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Frusty's Claim.
Frusty's Law: 89 % of the problems in your life will be caused by the 20% of the reasons. These 20% of the reasons will be common for all the frustrated souls of th world. No wonder anyone reading these articles will think that this is his very own organisation and the world that he lives in.

Frusty's Law: When people see other's misery they think well it happened to me also. When people see others fortune they think why doesn't it happen to me.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

G-20 Summit changing clout of India and China

Click on the picture to enlarge.
G-20 Summit changing clout of India and China.

Frusty's Law: Beggars become choosers. It was not long ago that India and China were directed by the developed world on how to open up their markets and grow. Now the roles have reversed in the recently concluded G-20 summit it is India and China who are asking the Biggies not to revert back to old protectionist view.

The story in words for those who cannot see the picture:

Till a couple of years back the developed countries were ruling the world economy. The tables have turned and these days, the BRIC nations are calling the shots in terms of defining the policies for the world.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Frusty's Double Whammy: Obama's Federal Aid

Click on the picture to Enlarge.

Frusty's double Whammy

The world leaders like Obama are in a precarious situation. On one hand the recesssion is taking a toll on the common man but any bailout package may have adverse effect on fiscal defecit and disturb the economic balances. The common man its like the choice between the devil and deep sea. The burden of any economic support has to be out of the taxes paid by the citizens.

The Story in Words for those who cannot see th picture:

The US government is giving aids to organization who are spending millions for the bonus of senior officials. No wonder the tax paid by the people are going towards unproductive spending.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Criminalization of Politics

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Criminalization of Politics
Frusty's Law, Moral of the Story: The more you are on the wrong side of the law the higher are your chances of winning the elections. This si the story of most of the developing countries where candidates with dubious credentials are most sought after during elections by the different political parties.
Recently BJP MP Ananthkumar Hegde was reprimanded by EC for his hate speech. He also gloated about his past criminal record and challenged that one more criminal case against him won't affect his career. The story is not unique and a quick survey shows it the same across all political parties.
The story in words for those who cannot see the picture:
Each of the three parties , Think that the cadidate with the most criminal record should join their party during elections as his chances of winning are the highest. Today during election cadidates with hisghest number of criminal records take pride in their criminal history.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

G-20, Obama cannot Fix Humpty Dumpty

Click on the picture to enlarge.
G-20 and Obama cannot Fix Humpty Dumpty
Frusty's Law, Moral of the Story: In spite of the best intentions it has been a difficult journey for the global leaders like Obama. They are still unable to take concrete measures to fix the financial mess. A lot of hope and expectation is building up before the G-20 summit. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

The Story in Words for those who cannot see the picture.

Obama and the G-20 leaders are finding it difficult to fix the global meltdown. It's like the Humpty Dumpty who would not be fixed inspite of the best effort by the king.

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